And the biggest shop in Norway called Elkjøp, just told him that there was no way to use an mouse on an ipad.
When you buy things is a shop, you trust the people that they are some kind of expert on the items they sell.
So here we go to show these people a thing or two !
Ipad need to be jailbroken first !
1. You need an mouse that use bluetooth. I bought mine at Clas Olson in my home place.
Cost 50 norwegian krone.
2.Download from Cyndia a program called mouse
So let us mess with the experts, just little bit hehehehe.
If you install mouse on an iphone then this also work on an iphone.You can use a mouse on your iphone also.
And to freak out this expert out even more, let us also play a movie on an SD card on an ipad.
The most fun is that if they did know just little bit more about things they could increase the sale.
(Kit for SD card, mouse and a case with bluetooth keyboard)
So let us watch this prove
Hmm after this video what has our expert to say?