There was many versions how to do. No one of them worked for me.
Forum for this it http://i4siri.com/i4siri-public-servers/
So here is how i got it to work.
My Iphone runs OS 5.0 and jailbreaked by redsn0w.
a) I add http://i4siri.com/repo on Cydia, under manage--> sources i added this link
Also i added
b) Open Cydia, search and install Spire from the BigBoss repo.
c) Then i Go into the Settings app >> general >> siri and turn on Siri on
d) I go out on Safari to http://i4siri.com/installcertificate.html
And follow all steps
After i did like this it worked for my iphone 3gs
It is some page that say (That not worked for me) And i did not get any spire icon at all
3. Now go into the Settings app, scroll down until you see ‘Spire’ and input: https://i4sirifree.mooo.com/ in the proxy url. You can try https://superbeta.chickenkiller.com if the first one doesn’t work.