I bought an iphone 3gs that was i very bad shape.But i thought i can fix this up.
But that was easier said then done. And that was because of problems around software.
Let me tell you what i wanted to do.
I wanted to change the volum buttom, because like many iphone the crome part fall out.
I looked around and found this page.
Replacing iPhone 3G Volume Button
So i thought that is an easy fix. I already have fixed other iphone before with other problem.
But noooo this was going to be one of the longest story ever to fix.
Here is what happen,
1. I wanted to turn off my iphone, but found out the power button did not respond.
So i thought well, when i remove wire on connector 4, then power will be gone from the logic board.
That was a big mistake to do.
If you not turn off iphone in normal way, it will be same as you turn off windows on power button and not wait until windows turn pc off.
You get software error .
2. I changed the volum button and was happy of how my iphone now looked.
New case and all new. It looked like it come right from the shop.
I had bought and new case on ebay and found new part very cheap in Bangkok.
3. So now i started my beautiful iphone 3gs 32 gb (Spare phone).
And now comes the bad part.
--->white screen of death.
And i tried all to get my iphone out of this stage.
What a hell, i read all website in the world and watched a million youtube video.
No luck.
" my patient was now like this guy"
So i thought what can i do.
When i have this problem with pc, then i install windows again.
And that was my solution.
But now a new problem come up.
To recover an iphone you have to have shsh blob.
Now my anger was really high hehehe.
shsh blobs for an phone that was unable to switch off and follow redsn0w advice to do new installation on the phone.
You know, hold down power for 3 sek, and hold home .......
"How the hell, can you get that on an iphone that is in white screen of death"
But here is what i did.
a) i had a tool called sn0wbreeze
And i knew little about this. But after a youtube video found that i was able to make an "image" file that you could use to install.
So i thought if i copy the image from my iphone and made an install file from that. Then i did not need to sign for shsh blobs.
And so i did. I made an ipsw fil of my iphone.
When the ipsw file was done, i found out that you have to make your iphone into pwned dfu mode.
So i used redsn0w_win_0.9.15b1 for that.
- Extra -> pwned DFU.
The i was ready to start itunes to do a recover.
iTunes has detected an iPod in recovery mode - Use iTunes to restore
Itunes started and then it found my iphone that was in a recovery mode.
I had seen an other video where you could choose an image file that you had local stored on you pc.
If you have an ipsw file, you can install that file by holding "Shift" down and hit recover in itunes.
And then i went to find my "image" file that sn0wbreeze made.
NO_BB_iPhone2,1_5.1_9B176_Restore (Sn0wbreeze make NO-BB ............)
And now i used this file in itunes.
And now something great happen. My iphone want out of white screen of death.
And i was able to install this image file onto my iphone.
But there was one problem.
= NO SERVICE come up.
I now was on a stage that i was really pissed off on this phone.
So i left it there for a day. And had a nice beer.
But when i woke up in the morning my mind was fresh.
"What if i choose a file that i download from internet ?"
I can not find the right link i used, but it was simular to this page.
I wanted to used a file that was older. Soo i used:
I used iPhone2,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
1. I started now up snowbreeze again and used iPhone2,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
browse for an ipsw
Then i choose the fresh ipsw file that i downloaded from internet.
-Then Sn0wbreeze make a custom file , yes it take some time.
2. When the file was done i started itunes.
Snowbreeze put the file on to your desktop
3. Then i did this stage again:
Started -> redsn0w_win_0.9.15b1 to put my iphone into pwned DFU mode.
- Extra -> pwned DFU. Follow the step reds0w make.
Started Itunes .
Have your iphone connected to pc and have it in pwned DFU mode.
"then itunes found my iphone in recovery mode."
hold down shift key on keyboard and hit recover in itunes with mouse
Now you can find your file that you made with snowbreeze. ( At desktop)
I chose -> sn0wbreeze_iPhone_3GS-5.0.1-9A405_oldbootrom
Itunes started now to backup files and the long way to do installation onto my iphone.
I was hungry so i went down to eat and let itunes install all files.
From downstairs i heard the great sound that an iphone started up, i runned up and scream
" It is alive, It is alive"
And oh my God, the phone was now really alive.
The "NO SERVICE" was gone. And i had an iphone the was a phone again.
See by yourself.
I have to say, that i opened my iphone and checked all connetion 20 times.
And also watched video above .
But here is a way to fix NO Service also.
List what you need:
- a clean ipsw file from internet
- Redsn0w to enter your iphone into pwned DFU mode.
- itunes
- hit shift + recovery(itunes) and go to you your home made sn0wbreeze file
- a beer also is nice to make you come down when anger makes an entry. :-)