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torsdag 24. april 2014

Spyware is a bad thing for your pc.

Spyware is a thing you get when you use your pc on webpages that are not safe.

Read more about it here:

And i want to show people my way to see and how to remove this from your computer.

I use a small software that measure " Ram - Memory " that my pc has left when i use my pc.

See the meter next to the watch.

This is my "signal" if my pc is in ok shape

The software is called
Systweak Cachboost

If spyware come into my pc this will take memory from my pc ( It eat up free memory) And my pc get slow.

  If my free memory is under 5359. 

Like 4200 or 3800 then something is wrong.

In normal stage , like i download from the web and only see newspapers. The memory level is this.

 This depend on how much "ram" you pc have. My pc has 8 GB.

And then i take some action to see if something has come into my pc. I scan my pc for spyware.

And the tools i use and trust is these two tools:

1. https://www.malwarebytes.org/

I have bought this program and then you get an software that protect you pc all the time. It will run in background of you pc. And stop spyware from coming into you pc.

See video here

  But i found out that still something is coming through.

Cookies are smal trace the get stored in your pc. This might be add from some company that want you as a customer.
And therefor make "bad" cookies.

Also there have now been people that get their computer hold up for "random" by hackers.

And here is the tool for that.

Read about this here

Remove FBI virus using HitmanPRO Kickstart

The tool for this is

Hitman Pro ( See video under)

I have now used this software for a week. And my pc is totally changed.

My memory level in normal is now 6300 (free Ram) on my meter.

Right now when i write on my blog, download some files and also have youtube up.

My memory level is this

Before i used hitman my level was under 5000 and sometimes 4800.

I got little shock that alot of "shit" was on my pc. And that slowed my pc down.

HitmanPro removed 113 files that slowed my pc down. And now it is fun to use my pc again.

Also i many times had problem that my mouse got stuck on the screen. And i had to restart my pc to get the mouse to work again.

That is now gone. And i belive that some spyware take a hold over my pc and that make my mouse have problem.

But i have not had that problem all week. Before i had that problem 3 times a day.

So let me share this link to a great tool.

2. http://www.surfright.nl/en

download from here


Also they have a small tool to called
HitmanPro.Alert 2.6.5

This is a software that check if webpages is safe to enter. On stop things from coming into your pc.

Hope you like todays article and i see you soon again.

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